Sam Soffes

Two Videos You Need to Watch

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Here are two talks from RailsConf 2010. You can see all of the keynotes on YouTube. I haven't ever gone to a RailsConf, but I hope to sometime.

Even if you aren't a developer, these videos are totally worth your time.

Yehuda Katz

This is a short 26 minute talk by Yehuda Katz (@wycats) on development in general. This is so inspiring. He talks about doing the impossible and just getting stuff done. Really worth your time.

Gary Vaynerchuck

This is an hour talk by Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee). He talks about business to a group of developers and his views in general on social media and our culture. Really interesting and inspiring. It's long, but worth it. (He cusses a lot, just fyi.)